Friday, April 22, 2011

Moleskine Magic

The Moleskine,
A notebook once used by Van Gogh, Hemmingway, Chatwin and Picasso.
a book which has held numerous notes, recordings, sketches, paintings, thoughts and more.


just a few open molekines to share . . . 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Paper Ribbons

I like art,
The more conceptual, metaphoric, innovative, traditional yet contemporary the better.

The colour and visual aesthetics are exquisite.

Ah Cadbury . . .

These are by Yulia Brodskaya, I like the artistic yet essentially still crafty aspects of these pieces of work

In Holy Matrimony

All the talk with the royal wedding coming up ive been having a peek at some dresses
and some are absolutely beautiful.

This my fave so far,
a wedding anyone?